In honour of the 100th anniversary of the death of Blessed Jacob Kern

15. September 2024 at 15:00
klášterní kostel
Opatství Geras


Vstupné dobrovolné


Geras Monastery was founded in 1153 as a daughter monastery of Seelau by Ekbert and Ulrich of Pernegg and was settled by the Seelauer Chorherren. The monastery has a rich history, which includes its destruction during the war between King Ottokar II. Přemysl and Rudolf of Habsburg in 1278, the sacking by the Hussites in 1419-1436 and the occupation by the Hungarians in 1486. In the 18th century, the monastery underwent a series of renovations and expansions under the leadership of Abbot Nikolaus Zandt, who brought in important artists such as Joseph Munggenast and Paul Troger. Architecturally, the monastery is famous for its Marmorsaal with a magnificent fresco by Paul Troger, the library with frescoes by Josef Winterhalder and many other works of art. The Stiftskirche, the main church of the monastery, is a Romanesque basilica that was later gothicised and baroqueised in the 18th century.

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