Tříkrálový koncert

7. January 2022 at 19:00
kostel sv. Jana Křtitele
Březí u Mikulova


  • Virtuosi Brunenses (CZ) – komorní orchestr
  • Ars Brunensis – smíšený sbor
  • Dan Kalousek (CZ) – sbormistr
  • Aleš Janig – baryton
  • Pavla Radostová (CZ) – soprán
  • Kateřina Málková (CZ) – varhany
  • Sébastien Bagnoud (CH) – dirigent


A. Dvořák
Symfonie č. 9 »ZNového světa«
A. Dvořák
Te Deum


It dates from 1853. It was consecrated in 1862. A single-nave building with an offset chancel, adjoined by a four-sided sacristy, with a tower in the front. The furnishings date from the time of the sanctuary's foundation. The interior is dominated by a crystal chandelier dating from around 1860, 4.5 m high, the diameter of the lower circle is 2.25 m, with a total of 13 684 crystal trimmings.

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